No Compromise

If you take a close look at the picture, this is something that I’ve been praying about for the last few days.  There are not many words on the whiteboard, but it is my conviction that it says a lot.  In our world that we are living today, it is pretty easy to sellout on certain things that we say are foundational in our lives.  If we are pushed hard enough, offered a bunch of money, tempted to a point, then we will eventually ditch those things that we at one time stated were items in which we would never compromise.

There have been times when someone closes my door and asks, ‘Can I trust you’ and then they share something that is super private.  I want to live my life in such a way that there is NEVER and I mean NEVER a temptation to take that information and share it with anyone else.  Sure, I tell folks that things are private unless, ‘You are going to get hurt or I am going to go to jail’.  Why do I make that qualification?  I am a mandated reporter and the wellbeing of ALL of our employees is paramount with my position.

Can you imagine if every single person would sign their name to this whiteboard and said, ‘Me too!  Count me in!’.  That would be pretty much amazing.  Will we ALWAYS get it right?  Probably not, but it is a high standard to strive for.  This should be our goal, “God can’t stomach liars; He loves the company of those who keep their word” Proverbs 12:22.  No compromise!

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