
He is Able

There is a very interesting exchange between God and Moses that is tucked away in the Old Testament.  Moses was the guy that the Lord used to rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.  Moses led them to safety (although it took many, many years) across the desert.  God supplied their needs, but along the…

Which Way?

Josh and I have traveled together to Lac Seul, Ontario for a little father/son (Zach was not able to join us) fishing getaway.  We left on Friday morning and will return on Tuesday.  It was more than an eight-hour drive.  We stopped about an hour and a half prior to getting to the lodge in…


My ‘go-to’ breakfast is typically a couple of pieces of toast on the run out the door.  I like to have either avocado, peanut butter, or sometimes cream cheese on my toast and wash it down with some ‘no-sugar-added’ cranberry juice.  This morning my topping of choice was pineapple, cream cheese.  When I got to…

No Compromise

If you take a close look at the picture, this is something that I’ve been praying about for the last few days.  There are not many words on the whiteboard, but it is my conviction that it says a lot.  In our world that we are living today, it is pretty easy to sellout on…


This morning as I was doing my workout at the Y, I observed three fellas who are there what seems like every day.  There is what appears to be a father, an older teen son, and then a younger fella about 10-12 years old who are playing basketball.  They tend to play this game (kind…

Say What?

I’m taking an advanced theology course from Crown College.  I have been teaching an online World Religions course at a community college in Iowa for more than 15 years and needed to grab a few extra credits, so I signed up to take this online course for the next six weeks.  I have to confess;…

Authority of Scripture

‘Hey dad.  Where did this bench come from?’  ‘I made it.’  ‘How do I know that you made it?’  ‘Because I said so.’  Did the statement, ‘Because I said so’ prove that the father did indeed make the bench?  Absolutely not.  The statement did not demonstrate the fact that it was made by the father. …


Porque lo que es de Dios siempre gana! This phrase is loosely translated to mean, ‘Those who are of God always win!’  I love this a lot!  The most powerful spirit in the world is not the spirit of consumerism, or greed or influence or even affluence.  The most powerful spirit on the planet was…

Dawn Treader

I just finished re-reading CS Lewis novel, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  I was moved when Prince Caspian was faced with the decision to go to the other side to be with his father or to stay behind and continue with his mission.  This presents a very moving question.  Paul writes in Philippians 1:21.…


$5091.53!  Wow!!  Can you believe how much money our company paid out for profit sharing to every single employee? What did you do with your ROA?  I decided to jump on a plane on Friday and fly out to Vegas and put every single penny on the Vikings to win the Super Bowl.  You know,…


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