
This morning as I was doing my workout at the Y, I observed three fellas who are there what seems like every day.  There is what appears to be a father, an older teen son, and then a younger fella about 10-12 years old who are playing basketball.  They tend to play this game (kind of a drill) where the two kids are playing one on one with the dad being (kind of) on both teams.  It seems to be more of a teaching session for the younger boy. 

This morning, in one of their drills, the younger boy broke free and got a pass for an easy lefthanded layup.  Instead of taking the easy points, he pulled up and shot a short shot on the left side with his right hand.  The dad quickly blew a whistle, stopped play, and then proceeded to make the younger boy go back and do it again, and again, and again using his ‘off’ hand.

This is such a powerful lesson.  There is a ‘right’ way and there is a ‘wrong’ way of doing things.  Let’s take forgiveness as an example.  If I hurt you and I know without a shadow of a doubt that I hurt you.  Scripture is pretty clear that going to God and asking forgiveness is not the ‘right’ way of doing things.  Talking to other people about how bad I feel is the not the ‘right’ way of doing things.  I must first go to YOU, seek your forgiveness, and then go to God. 

Jesus spells it out pretty plainly when He says, Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift” Matthew 5:23-24.

Believe me, it’s not the ‘easy’ way, but it is the ‘right’ way and the more you do it and do it correctly, the easier it will be to do later and will feel like it’s the natural way of doing life.

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