
My ‘go-to’ breakfast is typically a couple of pieces of toast on the run out the door.  I like to have either avocado, peanut butter, or sometimes cream cheese on my toast and wash it down with some ‘no-sugar-added’ cranberry juice.  This morning my topping of choice was pineapple, cream cheese. 

When I got to my truck and looked down to take my first bite, I noticed that a big black moth had landed upside down on the cream cheese.  His little legs were flapping but he was stuck and could not get free.  I was faced with a huge dilemma.  Do I throw the piece of toast in the garbage or do I eat it?  If you are reading this, and you know me, you know my answer.  I flicked the moth out the window and ate the toast anyway.

Quite often in life we have a dilemma when we are at a fork in the road.  Do I eat the toast or not?  Do I sneak a second slice of pie or not?  Do I engage in this gossip or not?  Do I stretch the truth or not?  It’s a dilemma and we are left to make a choice.  How do we know what to do? While the Bible is not clear whatsoever on eating the nasty toast, it does lend a little bit of clarity on facing dilemmas.  Solomon gives it to us straight when he says, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out” Proverbs 10:9, and Peter writes, “Complement your faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love” 1 Peter 1:6-7.   My advice for the day, a little extra protein never hurt anyone, but a person with a weak character is in for a lot of trouble!

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